


今週のゼミもぜんまいからスタートしました。今回の担当は伊東さんです。日本国内のファッションブランドをテーマに、”Mame Kurogouchi”というブランドを紹介していただきました。スライドに登場した洋服はどれもシンプルながら洗練されたデザインでとても素敵でした!ファッションは日常的に私たちが関わる文化だと思うので、自分の好きな服を着て楽しめたらいいですね。








Hello. I’m Chiharu Kubota, a third-grade student in the Inagaki Seminar.

This class began with zenmai as per usual. The person in charge of it was Ms. Ito. She introduced “Mame Kurogouchi”, is Japanese fashion label, in the theme about domestic fashion labels in Japan. Each designs of clothes introduced in the slides were simple, elegant and very wonderful! Fashion is a familiar culture for us, so I think it is good that each person wear and enjoy favorite clothes.

Thank you for your zenmai, Ms. Ito.


After zenmai, we discussed the contents of activities in this Seminar in this fall semester and the way to proceed with workshop with Nakaminato high school students.

In this fall semester, we are going to work face-to-face. Therefore, it could be possible to do more things than in spring semester. Furthermore, I want to make this seminar more fulfilling with experiences we will get at MMM.

And we discussed the workshop at Nakaminato high school. Professor Inagaki gave us the previous examples of workshop he did, and we thought of the way to working with high school students in a group.

Although we couldn’t share the results of the discussion due to lack of time, I hope we conduct the productive workshop with students at Nakaminato high school. I’m interested in a new discovery on the day!