10月23日 ゼミ活動




Hello, I’m Minori from third grade. In October 23rd, we looked around the Design Festa Gallery where the graduation work exhibition will be held.

We were able to decide on rooms where everyone’s work will be exhibited. Please be sure to check it out.

11月20日 ゼミ活動



今回のゼンマイは鈴野さんがミュージカル’HAIR SPRAY’について発表してくれました。



Hello, this is YURI Mizumoto from 4th grade.

This week’s zenmai, Ms. Suzuno introduced about musical ‘HAIR SPRAY’ ( its hiistory, and attractive points she thought).

We mainly talk about ideas of this month’s academic conference of faculty of intercultural communication FIC, in more detail. We assigned some of the roles and set up on this project. Until 11/27, each us decided to prepare presentation within 5 slides, 3minute + 2min Q&A. 

11月27日 ゼミ活動


Hello, I’m Kaho from 4th grade.
This week we had a rehearsal for our performance at the academic conference at the end of the month. The content of the performance was to have a presentation called “ZENMAI” using the language each of us is studying at the university. The presentation is about what we have purchased at the expense of 3,000 yen per person.
The Q&A session, conducted in each of the languages such as Spanish, German, Korean and etc, was quite chaotic. The purchases were also interesting, with everyone having their own unique characteristics, such as the person who went to fortune telling, the person who bought a bouquet of flowers, and the person who bought a lot of picture frames!



今週のゼミでは「My Own Vintages」というタイトルで東海林さんが私だけのヴィンテージ品の紹介をしてくれました。私だけのヴィンテージ品のは、






Hi, I am Riri Suzuno from third grade.

This week’s zennmai, Ms. Shoji introduced us “My Own Vintage”. Condition for being My Own Vintage are


②has memory


We also chose poster for Design Festa and test run for Design Festa art work. Poster made by Ms. Mizumoto was chosen. And for test run, we made circular shape with pole and stuck the half sphered shaped pole with yarn and tape.

10月30日 ゼミ活動




This is MAAYA Tazawa.

Today, we discussed which room of Design Festa Gallery  we will use for the final exhibition and how to do the installation art at the Design festa.

As for the final exhibition, almost everyone has decided the proper room taking into account the way to show the works.

On the other hand, the materials used for the installation at design festa is still on the table although some ideas were offered as the frames like tent and plastic board. We will try to make it with light tube next week.

Kaho gave us a presentation about compound words in German and English for Zenmai of this week.

“10月30日 ゼミ活動” の続きを読む

10月9日 ゼミ活動





Good evening, this is YURI Mizumoto.

Today, we mainly cost a time to take feedback about the cover design of the pamphlet, faculty of Intercultural Communication, HOSEI university. I think it became a nice chance to look back our faculty on our own and to express these ideas/thought by  illustration. In personal, because I had had memories for the pamphlet since I was a preparatory student to being published my article this year, I had felt a sense of accomplishment by doing this work now with my best.

After the feed back time, we discuss about forward project plan; academic conference and DESIGN FESTA. We’ll share ideas of them from now on, while start to decide whole idea of individual work exhibition next week.


Minori gave a speech of art management as weekly presentation

10月2日 ゼミ活動



10/1締め切りで提出を終えた、各チームのデジコン映像の鑑賞会もしました。どの作品も見ごたえがありましたし、4チームとも全く違うベクトルの作品で、バラエティに富んだ面白い映像ばかりでした。果たして、この中からどれだけの受賞作が生まれるのか?楽しみですね!ちなみに私はアニメーションを作るためにイラストを389枚も描いたので報われてほしい限りです( ;∀;)



Hello, I am Yoshida, the fourth-year vice seminar leader!

This time “Zenmai”, Mr. Takamizawa gave a presentation about galleries in Tokyo. I love to create, but I am ashamed to admit that I never visit galleries personally, so all the galleries were fresh and very interesting.

We also had a viewing of each team’s “Digital Content Contest” video that had been submitted by the October 1 deadline. All of the works were very impressive, and all four teams’ works had completely different vectors and were full of variety and interesting images. How many award-winning works will be produced from among them? I am looking forward to seeing them! By the way, I drew 389 illustrations to make the animation, so I hope it pays off.

We also discussed what we will do at the “Design Festa” and “International Cultural Conference” and which booth in the DESIGFEST Gallery will be used for the individual research exhibition. I hope they will all be wonderful events! Oh, I write this as if I were someone else, but of course I will do my best as vice-seminar leader! Haha!

As I have only a few more blog posts left, I was a little bit excited and wrote with more enthusiasm than usual, but as I was writing, I began to think, “Is this the way a blog should be? I hope to leave my last nail in the coffin as a student! See you soon!

7月17日 ゼミ活動




Hi, I’m Yuri Mizumoto, leader of this INAGAKI seminar. Today, we put away and had feedback time about this 2024 spring semester individual art exhibition. Different from ever before, it became to be held 4,6,7 floor at Sotobori building separately, so it was an opportunity for us to think the way of display, how we each attract pedestrians’ interests.

I was glad to draw more people than expected, and resounding success. In personal, it will be the last individual exhibition, so I try to do my best till the December graduation project, having consistent. (Plz look forward to it:))





ヽ(‘ ∇‘ )ノ

Hello, I’m Tonglin, a fourth-year student and the vice leader of the Inagaki Seminar. Today was our first seminar session of the fall semester. Since it was the first meeting, there were no zenmai.

We reviewed the schedule for the fall semester and discussed plans for activities centered around graduation research, individual research, the Design Festa, and academic conferences.

The seminar leader announced the order for blog assignments and seminar presentations (Zenmai). After that, each team started working on their projects for the content contest.

I’m looking forward to seeing the final creations of each team!See u next week~
ヽ(‘ ∇‘ )ノ

7月10日 ゼミ活動




Hello, this is Yoshida of 4th year! Sorry for the late update.

This time, it is finally the move-in day for the spring semester individual research exhibition. Each student brought his/her work to the campus and set up the exhibition space.

From 7/11 to 7/17, we borrowed the 3rd floor gallery and 6th and 7th floor foyers of the Sotobori Campus of Hosei University’s Ichigaya Campus. We spent a long time carrying heavy panels, desks, etc. in the hot weather to make the exhibition more authentic. Thank you all for your hard work! We hope you enjoy the exhibition!