About Inagaki seminar 稲垣ゼミについて


This is the website of Tatsuo Inagaki seminar at Hosei University.





At the Inagaki seminar, with the keyword “communication and art”, we are engaged in various activities such as community and collaborative art projects, workshops, and work production.


In 2019, we participated in the Nakanojo Biennale 2019 held in Nakanojo, Gunma Prefecture and implemented a project called “Yukidoke Mizu”. Also, I participated in the International Association for Cultural Studies sponsored by the Faculty of International Studies, Hosei University. I received the highest award in the video section for individual research, and the encouragement award (second runner) in the installation section for joint research.

In 2018, Tatsuo Inagaki stayed at the sabbatical in the Philippines for one year and returned to Japan at the end of March. In the Philippines, I was a visiting researcher at the Faculty of Arts, University of the Philippines in Manila, where I was studying art education.