インスタレーション installation





Hello. I’m Mei Tamura. The theme of the 10th seminar was an idea for installation. Our team has installed a smoking area. Recently, the number of shops and restaurants that smoke completely has increased, and it is very painful for smokers. Professor Inagaki said he quit smoking. It’s really amazing.

By the way, The theme was the installation, but I went to see the Pierre Bonassonart exhibition at the Tokyo National Museum and the trembling souls of the Chiharu Shiota exhibition at the Mori Art Museum last summer. Both of them had a great impact by expressing them in a large space. I feel that many of the installation works have an impact.

I am looking forward to the next seminar.

June 17 第8回ゼミ活動 the 8th seminar activity




Hello everyone, my name is Hana Kobayashi. I’m in the 3th grade. I write about the 5th seminar in the spring semester.

Congratulations on the last mid-term presentation of the seminar’s individual research. Taking advantage of the opinions we receive, we will gradually proceed with individual production for the exhibition.

This workshop is “Installation”. Divided into groups of 3 people, thinking about works set in Hosei University, making posters and powerpoints, and making a presentation next time. This time, I thought about what to make with a long 30-minute discussion. It’s a bigger scale than the workshops I’ve had so far, so I’m sure you can use your imagination to create interesting works. I’m looking forward to the announcement next week.

June 10 第7回ゼミ活動 the 7th seminar activity





Hi  everyone, I am Cho.

We had a midterm presentation of the individual project. 

Each student was given about 7 minutes for the presentation. Also, the time had been set aside for us to exchange questions, impressions and advice with each other at the end of it. everybody’s project is getting on the right track and I am really excited about seeing the finished piece!

It is the time to apply the advice to make our project even better !








(病欠 遠藤)

Hello everyone, my name is Takahiro Sujaku. I’m in the 6th grade. I am writing about the 6th seminar activity in the spring semester of 2020.

First, we reviewed the last week’s HW, a video art theme of “English verb.”These video arts are unique and exciting, for example, a video about “pick” has a funny storyline.

Then we discussed our works and previous research with three or four people the same as before. The scene that the 4th-grade students kindly taught the last research to the 3rd students was so impressive for me.

After that, Prof. Inagaki commented on our research for each person. I think they were beneficial.

We will express the interim reports on the next week! I‘m looking forward to seeing their research and presentation.

(sickness absence Endo)