・4月28日 第四回ゼミ活動

・4/28 4th seminar activity
Hello, I’m Akane, a 4th student at Inagaki Seminar.I describe the activity of the fourth seminar with the blog of this week.
Today’s Zenmei is Yano. I couldn’t hear his speech because of late.Everybody speak English every time well and is had a question-and-answer session announcement.
And we talked about the work in MMM by this seminar secondary to last week.All the seminar students submitted the design about the work which they gave an opinion and wanted to do, and we brushed it up from there.But, there was the scene which faced difficulty of reality and the ideal.
Finally, we decided on the place to display work at a hotel in Nakaminato. We’ll do the best to make good works for MMM!