今回のぜんまいはキムさんが香水について話をしてくれました。 キムさんはフランスの香水が好きなのだそうです!
このVIVA-EXCONは芸術家の集まりである「コレクティブ」に端を発し、社会の抱える問題と向き合う目的で作られたものなのだそうです。 しかし、ネグロスキャンペーンを含め当時どのような展示が行われたのかや、どのようなグッズが制作されたのかなど、詳細なことは不明点が多く、平野さんはこれを調査して資料を展示したいと考えていらっしゃるそうです。
Hello. I’m Kayo Tokunaga,4th grade.
In this time’s ZENMAI, Mrs. Kim talked about perfume. She seems to like French perfume!
After that, Mayumi Hirano talked online about VIVA-EXCON in the Philippines.
Mrs. Hirano lives in the Philippines and works as a curator, and is researching her art exhibition.
For the first time, we introduced ourselves to each other, and then asked about the overview of the exhibition, its history, the Negros campaign, and the social situation in the Philippines at the time.
This VIVA-EXCON is said to have originated from a group of artists called “Collective” and was created to face social problems. However, there are many unknown details, such as what kind of exhibition was held at that time, including the Negros campaign, and what kind of goods were produced, so Mr. Hirano wants to investigate this and display materials. It seems that you are thinking.
I decided to think about what kind of exhibition it would actually be as I proceeded with the work.
We (seminar students) will start by learning about VIVA-EXCON, the Negros campaign, and the history and problems of the Philippines as a “play detective”.
I can’t wait to see what we can get out of it.
After that, we had a after party for Design Festa. We bought pizza, snacks and icecream togather in market. It was too much.