こんにちは。4年のロ トウリンです。今回のゼンマイは田沢さんがディズニーシーエリアとスペインにある建物の関連について発表しました。スペイン語を勉強するきっかけもそこから影響を受けたらしいです~とっても興味深かった発表ですね~ありがとうございました。
Hello, I am Tonglin Lyu,a fourth-year student.Today in inagaki seminar, Tazawa gave a presentation on the connection between buildings in the DisneySea area and Spain. It seems this also influenced her to start studying Spanish~
Additionally, we checked the items to bring and assigned roles for next week’s Christmas party in class. I’m excited to see what kind of cake we’ll make!
Finally, each of us gave individual presentations on our graduation projects and personal research for next year. The themes of the projects were varied, and the genres were diverse, I’m very excited to see the kinds of works everyone will create .