6月5日 活動記録





Hello, I’m MIZUMOTO, 4th grade of Hosei University.

In this time, we took a break cause we finished 2 works just a week ago. Surrounding the doughnuts, we share each views on the works of TWO, and discussed our future plans. I’m so glad to see every member’s smile on our works, both ‘wool’ and ‘march’.

※ On June 9th, some of our team member went  to see and feel art works at 8th Yokohama triennale together. Through these artwork, you can feel the energy of each artist. And it was little bit hard to appreciate all artwork, but it was a valuable experience.


5月29日 ゼミ活動





Hi! I’m Kiiko Shoji, 3rd year student!

In this Zenmai, Kaho introduced us to coins from various countries!She said that the way to obtain foreign effects is to have them exchanged for Japanese money. That is an interesting way of communication!

And again, we had a performance on campus. We all wore the same masks and marched around in our recruiting suits. It was artistic and created an eerie atmosphere.