今回は「2022年度 法政大学 国際文化学部 稲垣ゼミ 個人研究・卒業研究展」の会場設営を法政大学市谷キャンパス外堀校舎1Fメディアラウンジにて行いました。
Hello! My name is Hidenori Yoshida, a third-year student.
This time, we set up the venue for the “Hosei University Faculty of International Cultural Studies Inagaki Seminar Individual Research and Graduation Research Exhibition 2022” at the Media Lounge on the first floor of the Sotobori Building on the Ichigaya Campus of Hosei University.
While the previous Individual Research Exhibition featured mostly illustrations, this time there were works from a variety of genres on display. It was very interesting to see many “contemporary art” style works that aim to create a dialogue between the viewer and the artist. I think the exhibition was in line with our seminar theme, “Communication and Art”. We look forward to seeing you there!