今回のぜんまいでは、田沢さんがBig Hero 6(ベイマックス)について紹介してくれました。ベイマックスが心温まる映画であると伝わりました。
Hello! My name is Nakamura, and I am a 3rd year student.
In this week’s Zenmai, Ms. Tazawa introduced Big Hero 6 (Baymax). He told us that Baymax is a heartwarming movie.
Today, we were introduced on individual research, prior research, and the day of the exhibition.
Then, as in the previous week, the students were divided into teams for the Digital Contents Contest and worked on their artwork. Each was editing and filming with the aim of completing their work next week. It was good to see that all teams found the content interesting during the presentation of their works in progress.