6月16日 第10回ゼミ活動


今回のゼミもぜんまいからスタートしました。担当者は久保田さんです。「Koganecho Area Management Center」という題名で横浜市黄金町で行われているアート関連のイベントについてシェアしてくださいました。横浜トリエンナーレは去年ゼミ活動としても参加をしていたそうですね。私は横浜市民でありながらこのようなイベントが開催されていることを知らなかったので、次回開催するときは是非行ってみたいと思います。久保田さん大変興味深いプレゼンテーションをありがとうございました。

ゼミの共同制作(my place)でインタビューをもとにした看板アートの製作をするにあたって、稲垣先生が参考作品を紹介してくださいました。




Hello. I’m Aoi Hirano, a second-year student in the Inagaki Seminar.

This seminar also started with zenmai. The person in charge of it is Ms.Kubota. The title of her presentation was “Koganecho Area Management Center” and She shared with us about the art-related events held in Koganecho, Yokohama. I heard that students had participated in the Yokohama Triennale as a seminar activity last year. Although I am a citizen of Yokohama, I did not know that such an event was held there, so I would like to visit the next time it is held. Thank you very much, Ms. Kubota for your very interesting presentation.

After that, we check our plans for MMM, and as MMM is approaching. we are gradually deciding on concrete plans for the seminar’s collaboration and individual projects. It is also talked that collaboration with local high school students. We have only about two months until the event, I would like to create something good while cooperating with local people, even if it needs to use of online tools at Covid19.
Professor Inagaki introduced us to a reference work for our seminar’s collaborative project (my place) to create a signboard art based on the interview.

And we also practiced making sentences based on the interview in the workshop. The interviewees were Professor Inagaki and me. We used Jam board to discuss in teams of four again and construct new sentences using the words we heard from the interviews.

This was surprisingly difficult… If I just randomly put words together, It would be too different from the facts. However if I just wrote what I heard from the interview, It would be just stated the facts. It gave me a chance to think about how to make a new sentence as a “work of art”.
Then, I did my first interview, and I was quite embarrassed to talk about myself… This week’s assignment is to make sentences from what I’ve said, so I’m looking forward to seeing everyone’s writing next week.