
新しいエコロジーとアートのギャラリーである「The 5th floor」を訪れ、作品を鑑賞しました。部屋を利用した展示の仕方が印象的でした。今後の作品制作にも活かせる良い機会でした!

Hello, I’m Kawaguchi, a 2nd-year student.
This week we went to the “New Ecology and Art” exhibition at the Tokyo University of the Arts Museum.
We were able to spend a lot of time looking at the exhibition and we have a very fulfilling time. There were many video works on display, and I was able to learn about the state of art from many different angles.
We visited “The 5th floor,” a new ecology and art gallery, to watch the artwork. I was impressed by the way the room was used for the exhibition. It was a great opportunity for me to put that to good use in my future artwork!
At the end of the seminar, we discussed next week’s activities.
Next week, we will create artworks at Gallery AGITO.